I am up late on a Friday night regular sewing a Raddy Ann little black dresses (Family reuion) and got to thinking what fun was this dress to sew. Then i was thinking how much I like to all the O+S patterns I have made. They aere so well written and every thing ends up so beautifully. I was absolutely hooked from the first thing I had sewn!
The 2009 Mother's Day my hubby bought me five of their patterns (now I own 15 plus a book-can you tel i always am very addicted to these! )#) and I started with the sketch book shirt and shorts for my three boys. I thought that regular sewing a dress shirt was way to hard for me but this pattern made it so simple and fun to make! It was all down hillside from there.; )#)So what was the first pattern that you have sewn with to get addicted to these wonderful pattern?
I had only had a computer for a few weeks and I had discovered fabric. com. They had o+s patterns available and I purchased this breadmaker the Jumprope purely as a school winter formal dresses pattern. I made four for my girls and was absolutely absolutely hooked. I slowly purchased the others as i ordered fabric and now have the full collection.
I first read about O+S on the Purl Bee, Purlsoho's site, that i stumbled across while looking for a pattern for a knitted beret. They had a review of the Tea Party sundress pattern, that i loved. I tried making the Popover prom dresses, which was ('s still) a free download. I was so scared of my regular sewing machine i always made the dress entirely by handsewing -- including finishing seams and attaching the disposition recorded argument. As you say, Mama_Knowles, the pattern made it not only easy but FUN to make.
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