Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wedding theme: Geek Wedding

A nice theme idea for a young and trendy and entertaining marriage: Geek Wedding!

You can give an original touch to your wedding and surprise your guests by holding your wedding on a topic that interests you. Today we talk of marriage Geek, the marriage of two gamers, TV Series, ... what interests you!

To have a successful marriage Geek already choose carefully the room. Indeed, it is in this case an essential element. While it is often better to have only one (large) space, in the case of marriage Geek room offering more spaces can be a real plus. Imagine that you find a room offering a mezzanine made dinner and dance at the bottom, and use the loft as a place dedicated 100% to your theme. Make a video game room, a casino ... in short, a fun space!
With accessories and simple ideas you can do something surprising. If you want to get married on the topic of video games that have rocked you your youth, make a video game space: take your friends some game consoles (one or two Nintendo Wii for example, will have great success with their handles play) and put up with a successful multiplayer game: for example, a sports game on the first (Tennis, Bowling ...) and a Kart game on the second. And you get the satisfaction of seeing your guests during the cocktail challenge! Dégotez a pinball machine, an arcade ...
Decorate with recycling craft. Effect guaranteed if you manage to find some advertising figurines (cardboard and size!) Of your favorite hero movies. They will make wonderful hostesses. Add posters, movie posters.
Also treat the announcement so that the color should be clearly disclosed. Your guests will be prepared to be more in theme and even some surprises of their invention.
The cake is also an excellent field of expression for your theme Geek: abandon the traditional wedding cake and release yourself by making a cake Pacman, Super Mario, Guitar Hero ... You can also make original figurines to decorate your table or cake.
For the ceremony, you can still do something sober, playing only the music and a few discreet wedding accessories. It will be easier for Lady kiss the groom if he is in costume dressed as Darth Vader.

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